Composite Bonding

Composite Bonding

Composite bonding is often referred to as “white fillings” and involves the application of a tooth-colored resin. This resin is molded and applied onto the tooth to repair its structure and improve its color. 

Bonding can be used for cosmetic purposes to improve the appearance of a tooth or restore it after damage like cracks and chips. The resin is applied to the tooth and then shaped and polished to blend in with the patient’s smile. 

What Does the Composite Bonding Procedure Involve?

Once the tooth has been prepared for the procedure, our dentist in Greenbelt, MD, will apply the composite material to the damaged area and carefully sculpt it to match the natural shape of your tooth. A special light will be shined on the material to harden it. 

The bonding procedure usually takes less than an hour to complete, and you can return to your normal activities immediately afterward. It is an affordable option that can save patients time and money compared to other restoration procedures like dental crowns. The process can be completed in just one visit.

Is Composite Bonding an Effective Procedure?

Composite bonding, also known as cosmetic bonding, covers and repairs minor flaws on the surface of teeth. However, in some cases, our dentist in Greenbelt, MD, may recommend other restoration procedures like dental crowns or dental implants. 

This is because composite resin isn’t as strong or resilient as porcelain, and it doesn’t have the ability to strengthen a tooth’s overall structure. While composite resin can camouflage aesthetic flaws in the teeth, it can be susceptible to chipping, staining, and breaking, just like any other tooth filling.

What Are the Benefits of Composite Bonding?

One of the primary benefits of composite bonding is the aesthetic improvement it provides for your smile. The composite material is highly customizable, allowing our dentist in Greenbelt, MD, to perfectly match the shade and color of your teeth for a natural-looking restoration. 

Additionally, the resin material does not stain as easily or quickly as other types of restorations. Dental bonding is highly versatile, allowing it to be used to provide quick fixes for minor cosmetic issues as well as more extensive repairs. It also requires little to no preparation before it can be placed on a tooth.

Want to learn more about our dental procedures? Call us at (301) 321-9966 or visit our dental office located at 7501 Greenway Center Dr Suite 260, Greenbelt, MD 20770.

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Greenbelt, MD

7501 Greenway Center Dr Suite 260, Greenbelt, MD 20770


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